For me, though, this choice reinforces a certain misogynist thread very powerful in the GOP mentality. Palin, in my view, fulfills a very strict and subjugated ideal of a woman. She has 5 kids, is attractive in a very conventional sense, is a hockey mom and she supports the relinquishing of control of her body in her anti-choice stance on abortion. She stands in stark opposition to single moms, career oriented women who choose to have small or no families, and, certainly, a whole swath of women who believe that the right to choice, whether in terms of sexuality or reproduction, is unassailable. She stands as an archetype for a very specific ideal of womanhood.
I am sure there are many third wave feminists who would gladly crush me for this view. But I am cynical and I don’t think that Palin was chosen for her own talent, but as a symbol of a new republicanism that is really nothing more than a straw man concealing the same ol’ chauvinism.
Palin looks like a desperation choice and her glasses are weird. Also, I give Obama a B/B+ for the speech.
I think so, if interested read my most recent post. I think this is a choice dictated by reaction. At the same time it needs to be dealt with properly by the Obama camp: they can play right into GOP hands, or really turn this back on them.
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