Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Top Lines of the Debate - A few are skewed ramblings!

by Nick Casady

M: Bailout - Let's call it a rescue!!!

M: Senator Obama, his cronies, his friends who gave out loans that would never be paid back.

O: Gotta Correct senator Mccain not suprisingly

M: Get rid of the Cronyism

M: What were the categories health? They are all important. Present day retireeess reach across isle russ fiengold ronald regan millions of new jobs clean coal tech, we can overcome, barak is putting 700 billion in the hands of terrorist organizations.

M: Not the overhead projector that Obama asked for

M: Nailing Jello to the wall. Lost 700,000 300,000 by small buisness. Obama will increase taxes 50%

Gold plated cadillac fantasy's i'm not looking for hair plugs

Did we hear the size of the fine (Acts like a weasel!)

We don't have time for on the job training my friend.

M: Requires a cool hand at the tiller

President Regan my hero

You know my hero is teddy roosevelt. Walk softly and carry a big stick!

I get follow ups too

O: The guy who sang bomb bomb bomb Iran

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